Sunday afternoon, Melody picked me up at my house to run errands for Scott’s surprise birthday party. Scott turned 30 on Saturday so Melody was planning a surprise party for him at the A-frame, or so I thought. Melody had been sick for the last couple of days so it made sense, at least to me, that we’d be doing errands that late. She and I went to the World Market to get Scott his favorite beer, to the Dollar Store to get some noise makers, and to Burger King to get him a Burger King crown to wear at the party. Our last errand was to get some posters at the church office to decorate the A-frame.
I’d never been to the church offices before. We drove up and I saw a car that looked suspiciously like Tre’s, but Melody diverted my attention quickly. We walked up a flight of stairs to the office, turned a corner, and walked down a dark hallway.
Melody got out her key, but I could see what was awaiting me in through a window next to the door. The room was lit by candles, silk rose petals covered the table, and Tre’ stood in the corner of the room with a dozen roses. I was shocked. Melody got the door opened and I took a few hesitant steps into the room. I think she said I’ll see you later, as Tre’ came over to the door and helped guide me into the room.
“What a Wonderful World,” was playing in the background and Tre’ led my stunned form into a slow dance as I adjusted to the surprise. A basin of water was on the table, along with soaps and perfumes. He sat me down on the chair and took off my shoes and socks.
Nine months earlier, Tre performed a similar move when he told me for the first time that he loved me. He promised to love me as Christ loves the Church – sacrificially and as a servant. He also told me later that night that he’s always planned on proposing to his wife that way… with a toe ring.
When he sat me down, I knew what was coming. Tre’ added hot water to the basin and knelt down in front of me. Just a warning to all you ladies: always shave! He washed my feet and said some wonderful, private things. He slipped a toe ring on my foot and then reached for a small, box hidden on the table. Tre’ asked if I would marry him and in my head I said, “I will,” but apparently all that came out was a big smile and vigorous nodding.
After hugging and kissing we stood to take communion together. Tre’ served the elements and then we hugged and kissed some more. We held each other close and danced again; it was good to have a time to absorb the moment.
Little did I know that Tre’ was actually stalling. He showed me the office after that and the posters Melody and I were supposed to get. Then we left the office to go to “Scott’s party” at the A-frame.
We walked downstairs and around the corner to the car. We passed by CafĂ© Delirium – all the windows were closed except one. I glanced through it and saw people that I knew. I stopped 10 feet away from the door as I realized that we weren’t going to the A-frame. Our engagement wasn’t part of Scott’s party – Scott’s party was a cover for our engagement.
We walked through the front door of the shop and were greeted by over sixty of our close friends. They cheered and then cheered again when Tre’ said, “She said yes!” I didn’t move from my spot for the next two hours. Friends kept coming up to me – friends from all areas and time periods of my life, friends who know my story and are excited for me and for Tre'.
Heidi and Shari made coffee drinks for everyone, while a slideshow played in the background and people played board games and talked. It was beautiful! I am still recovering from the shock and perfection of it all. Everyone was in on it and it made the evening so wonderful. Thank you all so much for keeping this night secret for me.
After it was all over Tre’ showed me all of the emails he sent back and forth about the party. He told me long ago that it would happen right under my nose – and it did. He handed out invitations to the party right in front of me – he even gave me a fake invitation to Scott’s party while everyone else was invited to our surprise engagement party.
We are getting married six months from the night of our engagement 07/07/07. Tre’ said he wanted a six month engagement – no more, no less. So, mark your calendars.
I couldn’t sleep Sunday night and found myself journaling into the wee hours of the morning. At 2:45am this is what I wrote: “Well Lord, you are one for answering prayer. Tre’ proposed to me tonight and he nailed it. He took a day, a marker in my life and redeemed it. You Lord, took a day that left me shattered and broken and brought me healing. I am awake now and cannot sleep. I just wish morning would come.”